Indicators of Internet Access Services
3 m. | 2020-02-27Public Services Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Armenia presents the 2019 statistical indicators of Internet Access Services of the Republic of Armenia.
As of January 1, 2020 the bandwidth of international “IP” traffic imported into the territory of the RA amounted to 882 000 Mb/s, which increased by 54.2 % compared to the last year results.
- Parallel to the bandwidth of international IP traffic flows, the service price has reduced. In 2019, the average traffic price for 1 Mb/s was 750 AMD, which has decreased by 25 % compared to last year.
The number subscribers to Internet access services [1] was 3087291 in 2019, which increased by about 6.7 % compared to last year, which includes both mobile and fixed Internet access subscriptions.
The statistical indicator shows the number of active subscriptions, that is subscriptions showing at least one activity within the last three months based on existing subscription agreements (service usage, payment or recharge)
The volume of broadband Internet access services has increased with a number of subscribers reaching 2830853. Compared to last year, the number has increased by 9.4 %.
The volume of mobile broadband Internet access services also increased and totaled 2445149 in 2019 and has increased by 9.2 %. The number of subscribers to fixed broadband Internet access services is 385704.
It should be noted, that the subscribers with fiber-optic high-speed Internet access dominated in the retail market of broadband Internet access services. In 2019, their share in the market was about 59 %. Furthermore, it increased by about 19 % compared to the 2018.
[1] We used the term “subscriber” in this article, which corresponds to the “subscription” used within the professional community.
Pic. 1 Bandwidth of International IP traffic flows between 2012-2019 (Mb/s)
Pic.2 Dynamics of international IP traffic service prices (1Mb/s/AMD)
Pic.3 The number of subscriptions with Internet access services between 2008-2019
Pic.4 The number of subscriptions with broadband Internet access services between 2012-2019
Pic.5The number of subscriptions with mobile broadband Internet access services between 2012-2019
Pic.6The number of subscriptions with fixed broadband Internet access services between 2012-2019